WADARC now meets at a new premises
Lions Hall, 21 Roberts Road, Lancing. BN15 8AR.
Our first meeting at Lions Hall went without a hitch and there were several remarks about how warm the venue is and how much more comfortable the fabric covered seats are. I think that it was generally appreciated that members could return to where they’d been sitting and take their refreshments with them. A much more cosy atmosphere altogether.
The only down side of the move is the lack of parking facilities immediately outside. There is very limited on street parking further along the road and there’s a car park within easy walking distance – entrance almost opposite LPH. Google Earth shows another possible parking area almost opposite Lions Hall and this will be investigated as time permits.
The RSGB/GB2RS and Practical Wireless have been informed of the move.
The programme of events is slowly coming together and Alex is working hard to co-ordinate it. Details below and on the WADARC website.
In particular for our newly licensed members as well as the ‘old timers’ we have a Practical Evening on 31st January. Don’t feel that you’ll be out of your depth – we’ll all be experimenting and unsure of the result, so a good chance to dive in and have a go.
We have a committee meeting next Tuesday. If there’s anything you think we should be discussing, please mention it to one of the committee members by Monday 22nd.
- ARRL Podcast – Is there a right or wrong type of wire to use on antennas? – Lions Hall, Lancing – Wednesday 24th January – 8.00pm-10.00pm
- Practical evening – Simple resonant circuits – M0VUE – Lions Hall, Lancing – Wednesday 31st January – 8.00pm-10.00pm
- Tea and Chat Night – Lions Hall, Lancing – Wednesday 7th February – 8.00pm-10.00pm
- RSGB Lecture – E51LYC brings Pukapuka Atoll (OC-098) in North Cook Islands on the air – Lions Hall, Lancing – Wednesday 14th February – 8.00pm-10.00pm
For further information as it occurs, please visit the WADARC website: www.wadarc.org.uk
Monday – 2 metres 145.425 MHz, FM, 7.30pm (local)
Thursday – 40 metres 7.106 MHz +/-QRM, SSB, 11.00am (local)
Saturday – 70 cms on GB3WO, 7.00pm (local)
Sunday – 80 metres 3.712 MHz +/- QRM, SSB, 7.30am-8.00am (local)
4 February 2018 33rd Canvey Radio & Electronics Rally
The Paddocks Community Centre, Long Road, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 0JA (Southern end of A130).
Open 10:30. Trade. Refreshments. Disabled facilities. Free parking.
Details: Vic Rogers, G6BHE, 07957-461694, nvr1945@btinternet.com
9-11 February 2018 The 72nd Orlando HamCation [Friday-Sunday]
Central Florida Fairgrounds & Expo Park, 4603 West Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32808, USA
Open 09:00 to 17:00 Friday/Saturday & 09:00 to 14:00 Sunday. Admission $17 at the gate/$15 online.
Talkin. Free parking. Trade. Swap meet. Car boot sale. Forums. SIGs. Family attractions. Draw.
18 February 2018 Audiojumble
The Angel Leisure Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1SF.
Vintage & modern hifi, valve & transistor amps, speakers, turntables, components etc will be on sale. See website for entry details and costs.
25 February 2018 BRATS Medway Radio Rally
Victory Academy, Magpie Hall Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 5JB.
Open 10:00/09:30 to 14:00. Entry £2.50. Free parking. Trade. RSGB books. Talk-in 145.550 MHz by GB4RRR. On-site catering.
Details: Hugh H, G0BRC, 07825 838877, Secretary@bratsqth.org
Details of other UK rallies can be found on this excellent website: http://www.g4rga.org.uk/All.html
Autumn 2017 edition published – http://www.wadarc.org.uk/ragchew/autumn-2017-ragchew
LATEST SOLAR NEWS (Courtesy of Spaceweather News):
SOLAR WIND, INCOMING: NOAA forecasters say there is a 45% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Jan. 20th when a stream of solar wind is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field. The gaseous material is flowing from a crescent-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere.
For further info please visit: http://spaceweathernews.com/
As the temperatures change and the troposphere gets disturbed, there are often brief openings on 2m and 70cms. The beacons can be a good indication and if distant signals are heard, it’s often worth putting out a CQ. Remember, if nobody calls and everyone just listens, nobody ever talks to each other!
Beacons often heard in our area:
GB3WSX – IO80QW – 70.007 MHz
GB3BAA – IO91PS – 70.016 MHz
F1ZXK – JN18KF – 144.438 MHz
F5ZSF – IN88GS – 144.409 MHz
GB3VHF – JO01EH – 144.430 MHz
ON0VHF – JO20HP – 144.418 MHz
F5XBA – JN18KF – 432.830 MHz
GB3UHF – JO01EH – 432.430 MHz
ON0UHF – JO20ET – 432.567 MHz
This week’s bulletin was made possible with information provided by the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
LIBYA, 5A. Abubaker, 5A1AL has been active using FT8 on 30 meters from 1900 to 2200z. QSL to home call.
MALAWI, 7Q. John, N6JW is QRV as 7Q7JW. Activity of late has been on 40 and 20 meters using SSB. His length of stay is unknown. QSL to home call.
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 9Y. Thomas, DL9OBQ is QRV as 9Z4/DL9OBQ from Saint Augustine, Trinidad Island, IOTA SA 011, until February 7. Activity is on 30, 17 and 15 meters using mostly CW. QSL to home call.
BAHAMAS, C6. Brian, VE3VWP is QRV as VE3VWP/C6A from Paradise Island until January 25. Activity is holiday style on 40 to 10 meters using SSB, PSK31 and FT8. QSL to home call.
ETHIOPIA, ET. Ulli, DL9WVM is QRV from the ET3AA club station until January 29. Activity is on 30 to 15 meters using CW. QSL via N2OO.
ECUADOR, HC. Members of the Ecuador DX Club station are QRV as HD0DX until January 20. Activity is on 40, 20, 17 and 15 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via bureau.
REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL. Special Olympic call HL23N will be QRV from Yonghung Island, IOTA AS-105, on January 20 and 21. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL via HL2UVH.
THAILAND, HS. Marcin, SP5QAZ plans to be QRV as E27AM from the Rayong Club Station on January 20. QSL via operator’s instructions.
SARDINIA, IS. Simone, IS0AFM will be QRV with special call IR0FOC to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the First Class CW Operators’ Club.
GUINEA-BISSAU, J5. Livio, IZ3BUR will be QRV as J52EC from a mission in Cumura from January 24 to February 21. QSL to home call.
ST. VINCENT, J8. Brian, GW4DVB will be QRV as J88PI from Palm Island, IOTA NA-025, from January 21 to 27. QSL direct to home call.
ANTARCTICA. LU1ZAB is QRV from the Argentine Antarctic Matienzo Base located in Graham Land, IOTA AN-016, and has been active on 40 meters using SSB around 0015 to 0100z and then again from 0300 to 0415z. QSL via LU4DXU.
ARUBA, P4. Mathias, DL4MM will be QRV as P4/DL4MM from January 24 to 31. Activity is on the low bands. He will be active as P40AA in the upcoming CQ World Wide 160 Meter CW contest. QSL to home call.
CURACAO, PJ2. Jeff, K8ND is QRV as PJ2ND from the Signal Point station until February 5. Activity is on the HF bands. He and Jim, W8WTS will be QRV as PJ2T in the upcoming CQ World Wide 160 Meter CW contest. QSL PJ2ND via K8ND and PJ2T via W3HNK.
NAMIBIA, V5. Rudi, DK7PE plans to be QRV as V5/DK7PE from Omarura from January 24 to 31. Activity will be on the HF bands with an emphasis on 160 and 60 meters. This includes being an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide 160 Meter CW contest. QSL direct to home call.
MONTSERRAT, VP2M. Daniel, KD9HNL is QRV as VP2MDH until January 29. Activity is on various FM satellites. QSL via LoTW.
The ARRL January VHF Contest, North American SSB QSO Party, NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, Nebraska QSO Party, LZ Open CW Contest, Hungarian DX Contest, RSGB AFS Data Contest, WAB 1.8 MHz Phone, Feld Hell Sprint and the Classic CW Exchange are all on tap for this weekend.
The Run for the Bacon QRP Contest is scheduled for January 22.
The CWops Mini-CWT CW Test, Phone Fray, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NAQCC 160-Meter CW Sprint and SKCC CW Sprint are all scheduled for January 24.
The ARRL International Grid Chase runs during all of 2018.
Please see January 2018 QST, page 89, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details
All times – Local
6th February – 144MHz FMAC – 19.00-20.00
6th February – 144MHz UKAC – 20.00-22.30
13th February – 432MHz FMAC – 19.00-20.00
13th February – 432MHz UKAC – 20.00-22.30
15th February – 50MHz FMAC – 19.00-20.00
15th February – 50MHz UKAC – 20.00-22.30
22ndFebruary – 70MHz FMAC – 19.00-20.00
22nd February – 70MHz UKAC – 20.00-22.30
Although last Wednesday’s meeting was successful, we really could do with a few more members actually turning up and taking part. We have quite a few M6 licensees whom we’ve never seen and we’d hate for you to disappear off the scene altogether due to lack of support or even apathy. Please consider coming along and asking questions, or just gain knowledge from the general discussions. Come and make contact with me personally and I’ll introduce you to other members.
Anyone who knows a past member that might return to WADARC, please twist their arm and get them to come to the new QTH at least once. 1st night is free and they’ll get a warm welcome back as well as a cup of tea and a biscuit.
Alan. G4GNX