WADARC meets at – TS Vanguard, 9a Broadwater Road, Worthing. BN14 8AD.
Special thanks for Ted, G3EUE for last week’s talk and DVD and to Bryan, G0SIU for his addition to the programme. Having chatted to Ted on the Thursday 40/80 metre net, I find that he is quite a fountain of knowledge about Iraq and other places around the World. Also, thanks to Ian, M0IAD for sorting out the DVD player at the last minute!
I met up with a gentleman from Kent on Friday and he has taken the AR88 from the shack. I recently sold it on eBay so that’s the last of the boat-anchors gone. There are still a few bits and pieces left to remove, so please let me know if you want anything.
This coming Tuesday, we will have the usual Tea and Chat AND possible finding of a ‘nasty noise’. Please bring along any portable equipment you have that could help us to find the source of QRM which covers the 2 metre and 70cms bands. It appears to be inside the building, because it greatly diminishes when a hand portable is checked outside the building.
I realise that there were two vehicles in the ‘top slots’ in the car park last week, but they belonged to Sea Cadets staff who were having a private meeting. However, I must remind all WADARC members that the TWO parking places nearest the building are reserved until 8.00pm for any disabled member or another member who has given a disabled member a lift. If any member continues to ignore this rule, they may be asked not to use the car park at all! There are NO exceptions.
Sunday Breakfast – Sunday 7th April – 9.00am-10.00am – Morrisons, Worthing
Tea and chat + Shack available – Tuesday 9th April – 8.00pm-10.00pm – TS Vanguard
1st leg of the 2019 Annual Foxhunt (non-participants meet at Club QTH) – Tuesday 16th April – 8.00pm-10.00pm – TS Vanguard
Tea and Chat with On the Air FTCALL – Tuesday 23rd April – 8.00pm-10.00pm – TS Vanguard
Practical – Building a Co-Ax based transmitting loop – Tuesday 30th April – 8.00pm-10.00pm – TS Vanguard
For further information as it occurs, please visit the WADARC website: www.wadarc.org.uk
Monday – 2 metres 145.425 MHz, FM, 7.30pm (local)
Thursday – 40 metres 7.106 MHz +/-QRM, SSB, 11.00am (local)
Saturday – 70 cms on GB3WO, 7.00pm (local)
Sunday – 80 metres 3.712 MHz +/- QRM, SSB, 7.30am-8.00am (local)
Local, national and some international rallies can be found by visiting this excellent website: http://www.g4rga.org.uk/All.html
Winter 2018 edition published – http://www.wadarc.org.uk/ragchew/winter-2018-9
HF and VHF:
RSGB propagation info can be found by following this link: https://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/gb2rs/propagation-news/2019/04/05/propagation-news-7-april-2019/
GB3WSX – IO80QW – 70.007 MHz
GB3BAA – IO91PS – 70.016 MHz
F1ZXK – JN18KF – 144.438 MHz
F5ZSF – IN88GS – 144.409 MHz
GB3VHF – JO01EH – 144.430 MHz
ON0VHF – JO20HP – 144.418 MHz
F5XBA – JN18KF – 432.830 MHz
GB3UHF – JO01EH – 432.430 MHz
ON0UHF – JO20ET – 432.567 MHz
WADARC members (and others) can subscribe to the DX News service without joining ARRL.
Send an email to this address: w1aw-list-request@arrl.org
In the subject line put the word Subscribe followed by your email address
ARRL will send an acknowledgement and you will receive the weekly DX News as an email, usually on a Friday
The RSGB VHF/UHF Contest and Activity calendar is available via this link: https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/readcal.pl?year=2019
A brief reminder to the Committee that we will be meeting on Wednesday 24th April at 7.30pm. Please update your diaries.
Alan. G4GNX