Amateur radio in West Sussex - Training, Exams, Contests and Special Event Stations



WADARC WEEKLY BULLETIN  –  9 December 2016


THE PAST WEEK  – Ennui Rules.


Frankly, nothing happened. A mere 5 members turned up for monthly breakfast.

Wednesday was quiet amiable club meeting with coincidental absences of core movers and shakers.

Until the new year it’s a case of – Ennui Rules OK ?


Rallies this weekend


None!.  – All merchants too busy flogging Christmas trees.




The ARRL 10-Meter Contest,

SKCC Weekend Sprintathon,

International Naval Contest,

AWA Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party

and the CQC Great Colorado Snowshoe Run


………………will keep trans-Atlantic contesters busy this weekend.


See  ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details



Santa Claus DX


I repeat the Santa Claus info for those who have only just finished their Christmas shopping.


Santa Claus’  call sign is OF9X /He has keen Elves helping on phone and Licenced Reindeer on CW.  His ops. can spring up with their funny red hats on all modes and frequencies. Be patient all you hot shot CW merchants – I’d just like to see _you_ wearing headphones over _your_ antlers.


Here is the Elf list  – they give their personal ID during/after the QSO  – so  OF9X will always be the calll


Arto, OH2KW (ART);

Arttu, OH2FB (ATU);

Jyri, OH2KM (JYR);

Martti, OH2BH (MAR);

Niko, OH2GEK (NIK);

Pauli, OH5BQ (PAU);

Pekka, OH2TA (PEK);

Pertti, OH2BEE (PER);

Raimo, OH2BCI (RAI);

Tom, OH6VDA (TOM);

Pertti, OH2PM (SIM)

Erik, OH2LAK (LAK)


Here is a table to “Tick the Box” for your “ELF’ COUNT”

PS Don’t tell ” Dept. of ‘Elf and safety” about this, they’re bound to try to stop it.





WX3MAS will be active from Nazareth and Bethlehem (in Pennsylvania) this weekend on HF using SSB, CW and PSK31. QSL via WX3MAS, direct.



Transatlantic Reception Anniversary December 11

The ARRL report an Amateur Radio special event on December 11 will commemorate the 95th anniversary of the first transatlantic shortwave reception between Greenwich, Connecticut, and Scotland.

A school near the original site is hosting the event. ARRL, the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), and the Radio Club of America (RCA), are partnering in sponsoring the activity. The Greenwich Historical Society will also participate.

On December 11, 1921, reception in Ardrossan, Scotland, of a radio signal transmitted from the official test station of Minton Cronkhite, 1BCG, in a small shack on the corner of Clapboard Ridge Road and North Street in Greenwich, helped to usher in the age of global communication. The special event will use N1BCG, the call sign of Clark Burgard of Greenwich, who obtained that call sign to commemorate this bit of radio history. Burgard was instrumental in making arrangements for the event.

The N1BCG special event will begin on Sunday, December 11, at 1200 and conclude at 0300 UTC on December 12. It will include an attempt at a two-way contact between N1BCG and GB2ZE, operated by Jason O’Neill, GM7VSB, in Ardrossan.



  • Forthcoming CLUB EVENTS


  • Christmas Party – ( unbridled licentiousness )  Wed 14th December – 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm . rehearse your favourite funny jokes. – there might be a prize for the best one.
  • Club Evening on the RADIO ONLY.   21 Dec.   145.425  bring lots of  new jokes to tell. onwards
  •  Evening on Repeater Wed 28th December , all evening, tell the jokes from your Christmas crackers
  •  –
  • Club Evening – Wed 11th January – 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm


DX News





The following special event stations will celebrate Kazakhstan’s 25th anniversary of independence during December: UP25CWA, UP25ECA, UP25FW, UP25G, UP25I, UP25J, UP25KZ, UP25L, UP25LL, UP25LW, UP25M, UP25N, UP25NFD, UP25NR, UP25NWA, UP25O, UP25OGA, UP25P, UP25PA, UP25TX, UP25Z, UP25ZA, UP25ZAF, UP25ZF, UP25ZWW.


An award will be available for 25 QSOs. QSL via RW6HS (d).



Mikhail, VE7ACN will sign VP5/VE7ACN from Grand Turk Island (NA-003) from December 10 to 19 on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via VE7ACN, LoTW.


YOTA.  YOungsters On The Air


group is active with the following calls during December from all over the world: 3V8YOTA, 4O1YOTA, 4O2YOTA, 7X2YOTA, 9A0YOTA, 9A16YOTA, A2YOTA, A60YOTA, A91YOTA, DA0YOTA, E71YOTA, ES9YOTA, ET3AA/YOTA, GB16YOTA, HA6YOTA, HB9YOTA, II2YOTA, II5YOTA, J62YOTA, LX4YOTA, LY5YOTA, LZ16YOTA, OD5RI/YOTA, OE16YOTA, OE2YOTA, OH2YOTA, OL16YOTA, OM16YOTA, OM9YOTA, ON4YOTA, PA6YOTA, PD6YOTA, R16YOTA, SH9YOTA, TM0YOTA, YO0YOTA, YT16YOTA, and ZS9YOTA. QSL only via ClubLog OQRS.





Frank, F5MYK/MM is operating shipboard in the Indian Ocean, aboard the R/V Marion Dufresnes 2, until January 2.
His itinerary, leaving Reunion, takes him near Crozet, Kerguelen, Amsterdam, Tromelin, Mauritius and back to Reunion on December 30.
He will check 40, 12 and 6 meters. He also often checks 6 meters during his lunch break from noon to 2 PM local.



HF Propagation


Truly I can do no better than direct you to useful sites … thus :-


VOACAP Online – professional-grade high-frequency (3-30 MHz) point-to-point propagation predictions


VOACAP Online – professional-grade high-frequency (3-30 MHz) point-to-point…

Sad commentary on the times…




ABC ditches Shortwave services

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation will end its shortwave transmission service in the Northern Territory and to international audiences from January 31

Radio Today reports Michael Mason, ABC’s Director of Radio said, “While shortwave technology has served audiences well for many decades, it is now nearly a century old and serves a very limited audience. The ABC is seeking efficiencies and will instead service this audience through modern technology”

ABC International’s Chief Executive Officer Lynley Marshall said the reinvestment from closing international shortwave services would maximise the ABC’s broadcast capabilities in the region.
“In considering how best to serve our Pacific regional audiences into the future we will move away from the legacy of shortwave radio distribution,” Ms Marshall said. “An ever-growing number of people in the region now have access to mobile phones with FM receivers and the ABC will redirect funds towards an extended content offering and a robust FM distribution network to better serve audiences into the future.”


Bah! Humbug was the comment used by one old G3 when told about it…….



BUT there is hope.

NASA X-Ray tech could enable superfast communication in deep space

New technology could use X-rays to transmit data at high rates over vast distances in outer space, as well as enable communications with hypersonic vehicles during re-entry, when radio communications are impossible, NASA scientists say.

The technology would combine multiple NASA projects currently in progress to demonstrate the feasibility of X-ray communications from outside the International Space Station.




………….New-fangled pansy nonsense he went on to say………



Bryan  – G3GVB