Amateur radio in West Sussex - Training, Exams, Contests and Special Event Stations

Weekly Bulletin – October 29 2017

A summary of what is happening at the club – opinions and comments are those of the writer and not necessarily official policy

Here is the latest update, Phil G4UDU

This week:

Wednesday 25th was the 2m DF Hunt

Dorian 2E0FSI (The Fox) was the transmitting station and at 1930 the first transmission was to be made.

That morning I was talking with Chris M0VUE and we decided to give it a go – I have a HB9CV with a switchable attenuator and Chris brought along a handheld to help with the close in stuff, so at the first transmission we were down almost opposite Brooklands on the sea front, good signal on the handheld and a bearing looking towards Worthing hospital on the beam.

Next proceed to the road on the North side of the hospital, 19:45 and the signal is a lot stronger and I needed 60dB of attenuation to get a heading – this time beam was pointing over towards Morison’s car park and towards the area where SMC models is located, Chris had a very much stronger signal on the handportable.

Next over to Georgia Avenue – opposite side of the A24 from SMC models that is on Queens St. 20:00 transmission and massive signal – attenuator had no effect – so into close hunting mode – take the antennas off the portables, and I ran Northwards, Chris South and East – both resulted in weaker signals so West it had to be ! Over the road transmission ended and there outside of the Audi Dealership ( should have guessed ! ) was Dorian 20:03 33 minutes from the start and we had won – YES !

First Phil G4UDU Chris M0VUE

Next in Ian & Alex @ 2104 (94 mins in) M0IAD 2E0UMD

followed by Alan, Roger, Vic @ 2122 (112 mins in) G4GNX G4TNT G8MUQ

So the winners are the fox for the next event – that should prove to be interesting !


This weekend on the HF Bands

it is the CQWW: International contest and enormous amount of activity – work DXCC 100 countries – easy.


Club Program:

1st Nov Tea and Chat Evening

5th Nov Breakfast at 0900 – Lancing Harvester

8th Nov Lecture – no details on the website ?


Club on the air nets, all times local:

Monday at 1930 on 145.425 MHz

Thursday at 1100 on 7.106 MHz

Saturday at 1900 on GB3WO (Club repeater)

Sunday at 0730 on 3.712 MHz


Propagation Report:

Solar activity increased over the past couple of weeks, with average daily sunspot numbers at 13.4 on October 19-25, compared to 1.7 over
the previous seven days. Average daily solar flux increased from 70.5 to 76.7 over the same two weeks.

The reason for the radically different averages is because this past week there were just two days with no sunspots, and the previous
week had no sunspot activity on six of the seven days.

Average daily planetary A index was 11.6, declining from 21.1 to 11.6, and average daily mid-latitude A index decreased from 16.7 to

Predicted solar flux for the near term is 78 on October 27, 77 on October 28-30, 76 on October 31 through November 2, 77 on November
3, then 84 and 82 on November 4-5, 80 on November 6-17, 82 on November 18-19, 84 on November 20, 85 on November 21-30, then 84 and
82 on December 1-2, and 80 on December 3-10.

Predicted planetary A index is 16, 12 and 8 on October 27-29, 5 on October 30-31, then 8 and 16 on November 1-2, 15 on November 3, 5 on
November 4-6, then 28, 30, 40, 28, 26 and 8 on November 7-12, 5 on November 13-14, then 12, 10, 8, 6 and 5 on November 15-19, then 18,
45, 40, 18 and 12 on November 20-24, then 10, 8, 5, 8 and 10 on November 25-29, then 5 on November 30 through December 3, then 28,
30, 40, 28, 26 and 8 on December 4-9, and 5 on November 10.

information and tutorials on propagation are at

Sunspot numbers for October 19 through 25, 2017 were 0, 0, 11, 13, 23, 23, and 24, with a mean of 13.4. 10.7 cm flux was 73.4, 75.7,
76.5, 77.3, 78, 77.5, and 78.8, with a mean of 76.7. Estimated planetary A indices were 12, 8, 10, 6, 6, 18, and 21, with a mean of 11.6. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 9, 5, 13, 6, 3, 13, and 15, with a mean of 9.1.


DX News:

ARLD043 DX news

This week’s bulletin was made possible with information provided by WB0TEV, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

TUNISIA, 3V. Operators Ash, 3V/KF5EYY and Ludovic, HB9EOU will be QRV as 3V8SS from the Radio Club Station of Tunisian Scouts in
Sousse in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest as a Multi/Single/Low Power entry. QSL via LX1NO.

GUINEA, 3X. A group of operators are QRV as 3XY3D/p from Tristao Island, IOTA AF-096, until October 31. Activity is on 80 to 10
meters using mainly CW. This includes an entry in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. Afterwards, they will be active as 3XY3D from Kassa
Island, IOTA AF-051, from November 2 to December 1. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using mostly CW. This includes being an entry
in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL both calls direct to F5OZC.

GEORGIA, 4L. Mamuka, 4L2M will be QRV as a Single Op/Single Band on 20 meters entry in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via
EA7FTR. In addition, Gia, 4L4WW will be QRV as 4L0A from Obcha as a Single Op/All Band entry in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via LoTW.

TIMOR-LESTE, 4W. Thomas, OZ1AA will be QRV as 4W/OZ1AA from Dili, IOTA OC-148, from November 1 to 7. Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using mainly CW and some FT8. QSL via OZ1ACB.

CYPRUS, 5B. Members of Nicosia Contest Group will be QRV as C4A as
a Multi/2 entry in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via 5B4KH.

TONGA, A3. Hiro, JA6WFM will be QRV as A31MM from Nuku’alofa on Tongatapu Island, IOTA OC-049, as a Single Op/All Band entry in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. This activity does not include 160 or 80 meters, however. QSL via EA4GL.

OMAN, A4. A large group of operators will be QRV as A44A as a Multi/Multi entry in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via

TAIWAN, BV. Look for operators JL3RDC, JP3PZG and JN3MXT to be QRV as BW/home calls on all bands in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL direct to home calls.

CHINA, BY. Members of the Chinese Radio Amateur’s Club will be QRV as B9K from Hangyashan, Gansu Province as a Multi/2 entry in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via BA4EG.

CAPE VERDE, D4. Rafal, SQ9CNN will be QRV as D4Z from Sao VicenteIsland, IOTA AF-086, in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest on 15 meters. QSL direct to HB9DUR.

PALESTINE, E4. Janusz, SP9FIH is QRV as E44WE from Bethlehem until October 29. Activity is on 30, 15, 12 and 10 meters using SSB,
PSK63 and possibly RTTY. He will be active in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest as a Single Op/Single Band/Assisted/Low Power entry on
15 meters. QSL to home call.

LIBERIA, EL. A group of operators will be QRV as 5L3BI from Baiyah Island, IOTA AF-111, from October 31 to November 4. Activity will
be on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via M0OXO.

MONGOLIA, JT. A group of operators will be QRV as JT5DX in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL direct to JT1CO.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0. A group of operators will be QRV as AH0K from Tinian Island, IOTA OC-086, in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via OH6GDX.

PALAU, T8. Tetsuya, JA7XBG is QRV as T88GA from Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, until October 31. Activity is on the HF bands. He will be
active as T8ED in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL both calls direct to home call.

CORSICA, TK. Salvatore, IK8UND will be QRV as TK9R from Ajaccio, IOTA EU-014, in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. Activity will be on all bands. QSL to home call.

ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, V2. A group of operators will be QRV as V26B om Antigua, IOTA NA-100, in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest as a Multi/Multi entry. QSL direct to KA2AEV.

BELIZE, V3. Victor, WB0TEV is QRV as V31VP from Blackman Eddy until October 31. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using SSB and RTTY. He will also be active in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest as a Single Op/All band/High Power/Assisted entry. QSL direct to home call.

NAMIBIA, V5. Tev, TA1HZ is QRV as V51/TA1HZ until October 30. This includes an entry in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters. QSL via LZ3HI.

HONG KONG, VR. Members of the FUN Amateur Radio Club will be QRV as VR20FUN in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via VR2FUN.

INDONESIA, YB. A group of operators will be QRV as YE2A in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via LoTW.

UK SOVEREIGN BASE AREAS ON CYPRUS, ZC4. Adrian, G0KOM will be QRV as ZC4MK from Avdimou Beach in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL to home call.

CAYMAN ISLANDS, ZF. Stan, K5GO will be QRV as ZF9CW from Cayman Brac Island, IOTA NA-016, in the CQ World Wide DX SSB contest as a Single Op/All Band entry. QSL direct to home call.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The CQ Worldwide DX SSB Contest, NCCC RTTY Sprint and NCCC CW Sprint are scheduled for this weekend. The Phone Fray, CWops Mini-CWT Test and UKEICC 80-Meter SSB Contest are scheduled for November 1.