Amateur radio in West Sussex - Training, Exams, Contests and Special Event Stations


Who are WADARC?

We are the Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club. We have members from Brighton to Selsey and as far north as Upper Beeding. We are currently meeting every Tuesday evening at 19:00 hours.

The Club first started in 1948 and has been active ever since.

Where are WADARC?

We are based in the town of Worthing which is in the county of West Sussex on the south coast of England. We normally meet every Tuesday evening at 19:00 hours at T.S.Vanguard, the headquarters of Worthing Sea Cadets and Royal Marines Cadets. The address is T.S.Vanguard, 9a Broadwater Road, Worthing, BN14 8AD.

All are Welcome

The Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club is open to anybody with an interest in radio communications, electronics or any of the allied subjects. We have our own equipment that any members can use at one of our On the Air meetings.

If you are already an amateur radio operator, why not call into our nets (all times are local).

Monday night 2m net on 145.425MHz (S17) FM at 19.30

Thursday morning on 40m (7.106MHz +/- QRM) at 11:00

All are welcome to join in and we look forward to meeting you.