We are Worthing and District Amateur Radio club, we are based in the town of Worthing which is in the county of West Sussex on the south coast of England. We normally meet every Tuesday evening at 19:00 hours at T.S. Vanguard, the headquarters of Worthing Sea Cadets and Royal Marines Cadets in Broadwater Road, Worthing.
The Club first started in 1948 and has been active ever since with nearly 95% of members holding a licence.
We run regular training courses and exams at all levels of the UK Amateur licence, participate in contests, host special event stations as well as practical and on the air evenings.
4th Shack, Ragchew and training if required
11th Used equipment sale starting at 7.30pm, bring along your unwanted bits and bob’s, 10% goes to club funds.
18th Shack, Ragchew and training if required
25th Shack, Ragchew and training if required
145 Alive Activity Event Group on Facebook is a place to find about 2 metre activity, local chat is mainly on 145.425 Mhz, 145.350 Mhz is used in the Chichester area. For HF the RSGB website https://rsgb.org has a lot of info, follow the link to GB2RS News.
VHF net: Mondays on 145.425 (S17/V34 ) FM at 19:30
HF nets: Thursdays 11:00 on approx 7106 KHz
The RSGB news in our area is broadcast on 145.525 at 09:30 Sunday mornings.
If you miss it ask your smart speaker “Play latest GB2RS”
All times are UK Local
Link to Met Office space weather info