Amateur radio in West Sussex - Training, Exams, Contests and Special Event Stations

Weekly Bulletin – April 22 2019

WADARC meets at – TS Vanguard, 9a Broadwater Road, Worthing. BN14 8AD.


Thanks to Dorian, 2E0FSI for acting as the Fox in last week’s Fox Hunt. The fox was eventually found, but not until almost 9.30pm when the event was due to close. First to find the Fox were Bodie, 2E0VRM and Chris, M0VUE followed by Ian, M0IAD about a minute later. Also taking part were Roger, G4TNT and Vic, G8MUQ. There were only three of us at the club QTH, listening to proceedings and we were surprised that Ian actually managed to take part, as he was in a loan car which broke down – not a good advert for the garage concerned!

The remainder of the kit that goers with the FT101ZD is now in the shack, but not fully connected as we need to find some manuals. Some of the other ‘junk’ should be removed tomorrow, leaving more space for us to setup our stations. The LZ1AQ mag loop is under construction and if it works as well as mine (it will) much of the HF noise we experience, will be eliminated.

Unfortunately, today I had a call from Bryan, G0SIU to say that he would not be at the club tomorrow, as he is in hospital. Hopefully they won’t need to keep him long and he’ll make a quick and full recovery. Get well soon Bryan.

Tomorrow, (23rd) Chris, M0VUE will be demonstrating FTCALL at the club. If you don’t know what that is, come along and find out.


  • Tea and Chat with On the Air FTCALL – Tuesday 23rd April – 8.00pm-10.00pm – TS Vanguard
  • Practical – Building a Co-Ax based transmitting loop – Tuesday 30th April – 8.00pm-10.00pm – TS Vanguard

For further information as it occurs, please visit the WADARC website:


Monday – 2 metres 145.425 MHz, FM, 7.30pm (local)

Thursday – 40 metres 7.106 MHz +/-QRM, SSB, 11.00am (local)

Saturday – 70 cms on GB3WO, 7.00pm (local)

Sunday – 80 metres 3.712 MHz +/- QRM, SSB, 7.30am-8.00am (local)


Local, national and some international rallies can be found by visiting this excellent website:


Winter 2018 edition published –


HF and VHF:

RSGB propagation info can be found by following this link:



GB3WSX – IO80QW – 70.007 MHz

GB3BAA – IO91PS – 70.016 MHz

F1ZXK – JN18KF – 144.438 MHz

F5ZSF – IN88GS – 144.409 MHz

GB3VHF – JO01EH – 144.430 MHz

ON0VHF – JO20HP – 144.418 MHz


F5XBA – JN18KF – 432.830 MHz

GB3UHF – JO01EH – 432.430 MHz

ON0UHF – JO20ET – 432.567 MHz



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The RSGB VHF/UHF Contest and Activity calendar is available via this link:


A reminder to the WADARC Committee that we have a meeting this coming Wednesday (24th) at G7VBR’s QTH. Start time – 7.30pm


Alan. G4GNX