Amateur radio in West Sussex - Training, Exams, Contests and Special Event Stations

WEEKLY BULLETIN – 14 January 2017

WADARC  –  Boldly we lead, that others may follow.

WEEKLY BULLETIN  – 14 January 2017






Bad News. !

We are threatened with incineration by a Red Giant .


More Bad News.!

The committee have made no preparations for finding heat-proof premises.


Good News !

It won’t happen for  117 million years …….


Wry Comment:

but at the current rate of progress in finding new premises , it may actually _take_ 117 million years…..  🙁 


All this we learned on Wed. evening and thus owe ChrisVUE a vote of thanks for his informative presentation of slides and video clips concerning the history and prognosis of the Sun’s behaviour. It gave each of us a more realistic view of his personal importance in the general scheme of things. Someone was rash enough to ask why it runs through  11 year and 22 yr. cycles. “..torsion stress arising from differential rotational displacement between layers at different solar latitudes…..”  or   [In G0  terms :]  The sun gets its knickers in a twist then the elastic slowly untwists them back again ! ]


Thurs. participants in the 40m net were again restricted to locals as conditions kept our more distant members out in the cold.



Rallies this weekend


None in SE England but get yer gumboots ready for 5th February…..






Our local Castles ?


The following is reproduced verbatim: :


Hello dear Friends!


– On January, 14th will be eight years sharp since the date of World Castles Award Program foundation.

In connection with this event on January, 14th and 15th, will take place activity radiohams from castles and fortresses of the world – WCA Happy Birth Day (WCA HBD).

At present we have support from radiohams of some countries who will be active from castles and fortresses their own countries during these days.

73 & 11!
de Andrew RN1CW
WCA Co-ordinator

RZ1CWC team

Домашняя страничка RZ1CWC

Домашняя страничка RZ1CWC

RZ1CWC Team DXpedition


Comment: Is knowing us any radiohams near Bramber Castle living  ? To actuate it ??


( better than nothing,  even a G4 would it doing be.)


Other stuff on the radio this weekend


North American CW QSO Party,

AWA Linc Cundall Memorial CW Contest,


QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, ( WADARC should do this !)

NCCC Sprint CW Ladder,

Old New Year Contest,

UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest,

NRAU-Baltic SSB Contest and NRAU-Baltic CW Contest

are happening this weekend.



Please see January QST, page 85, and WA7BNM  web site for details and practice your morse 


Island activities:


CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz


Currently in the News


AS-004; 5B/ZC, Cyprus Island: Steve/G0SGB will operate from the UK Base Area as ZC4SB between Jan. 11 and 25. QRV on 80, 40, and 20m (SSB, CW), running 100W and dipoles. QSL via G0SGB .


Activated long ago by G3GVB


NA-096; HH/HI, Hispaniola: Dale/N3BNA and Harry/N3FMO will be operating as HH8/N3BNA and HH8/N3FMO from Haiti between Jan. 13 and 25. QSL via homecalls  LoTW.


History still untold


SA-002; VP8, Falkland Islands: Dave/VP8CLE and Carol/VP8DKW will be active from Saunders Island between the 15th and 22nd on 160 and 80m (maybe also other bands) on RTTY, PSK, CW, and SSB. QSL via G1OCN


Talk to Jesus on CW


SA-072; PR8, Maranhao State East group: A group of Brazilian hams (Robert/PT2GTI, Daniel/ PT7BI, Junior/PS8DX, Jesus/PS8ET, and Ilo/PS8JIF) are going to activate Poldros Island (WW Loc. GI97cg, PYFF- 0024, DIB MA-03) on all bands (SSB, CW, digital modes) between Jan. 14 and 18. QRV with the call ZZ8P. QS





Space weather


CHANCE OF STORMS, UPDATED: NOAA forecasters have lowered the odds of polar geomagnetic storms on Jan.13th to 25% as they wait for the late arrival of a solar wind stream. The stream was originally due to hit Earth’s magnetic field on Jan. 12th. Even a day late, it could still light up the Arctic Circle. The stream is preceded by a CIR (co-rotating interaction region)  (as any G3 could tell you ) –a transition zone between fast- and slow-moving solar wind. Plasma piles up in CIRs, producing density gradients and shocks that often do a good job sparking auroras. 


SURPRISE, IT’S A SUNSPOT: Breaking a string of 8 consecutive spotless days, a new sunspot (AR2625) has emerged over the sun’s eastern limb. It announced itself on Jan.12th with a C4 class solar flare. The explosion hurled a plume of plasma into space, photographed by extreme ultraviolet cameras onboard NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:


Earth will feel no effects from this relatively minor flare. Material billowing away from the blast site is moving too far off the sun-Earth line to intersect our planet.

During years of Solar Maximum, a  C-class flare issuing from a small sunspot like AR2526 would have been beneath the notice of busy space weather forecasters tracking more potent explosions. Now, however, sunspot numbers have dropped so low that even a small sunspot attracts attention. Sunspots and solar flares will recede in numbers in the years ahead as Solar Minimum takes hold.



  •  Forthcoming CLUB EVENTS  
  • Wed, 18th On the air evening
  • Wed. 25th  January:  Soldering teach-in

Wed  1st Feb.  Club night.

Spontaneous,! Unstructured,!  Uninhibited ! ,Indefatigable !

Your very own!  …Free Discourse and Activity.        **


Wed. 8th Feb. JonathanEXG  “The BBC micro:bit ” (is that the one in reception ?)




**  Okay Ok.Ok . so  I’ve been watching  ” The Good Old Days ”





DX opportunities until 2018


Last updated: Friday, 13-Jan-2017 15:00 GMT
[Currently Active Operations]

Call QSL
2017 Jan03 2017 Jan21 Laos XW4XR
By AA4XR fm Vientiane; 160-10m; CW RTTY JT65; QSL also OK via E21EIC
2017 Jan05 2017 Jan17 Temotu H40DA
By VK4FEDX fm Nendo I (IOTA OC-100); 80 40 15 10m
2017 Jan06 2017 Jan13 Palau T88AQ
LotW DXNews
By JH6WDG fm Koror I (IOTA OC-009, PJ77fi); 160-6m; CW SSB + digital; QSL also OK via JH6WDG
2017 Jan06 2017 Jan16 Laos XW4ZW
By K4ZW fm Vientiane; focus on low bands; QSL also OK via K1SE (see link at call sign for details)
2017 Jan06 2017 Feb28 South Shetland Is LU1ZI
By LU4CJM fm Carlini Antarctic Scientific station; also using LU4CJM/z; 80 40 20m; CW; 100w; G5RV; spare time operation
2017 Jan07 2017 Jan30 PE & Marion Is ZS8Z
By ZS1BCE; HF; SSB + digital; broadband dipole; operation to continue for 17 months; start date uncertain
2017 Jan08 2017 Jan25 Bonaire PJ4B
PA8A Direct PA3GVI
By PA8A; 40-40m; 100w; end-fed; holiday style operation; include US$2 (no IRCs) + SAE w/ QSL request
2017 Jan09 2017 Jan27 South Cook Is E51WWA
By AD7AF fm Rarotonga I (IOTA OC-013); 80-10m; CW SSB; inverted L; holiday style operation
2017 Jan09 2017 Jan31 Belize V31AX


Club Log DXNews
By VE3AXT fm Corozal; HF; 100w; G5RV; operation to continue until Mar 7
2017 Jan09 2017 Feb06 Belize V31RF
By K8NDS fm Placencia; 40 20 17m; SSB
2017 Jan11 2017 Jan25 Cyprus SBA ZC4SB
By G0GSB fm the Akrotiri area; mainly 80 40 20m; SSB CW; 100w; dipoles; include US$3 + SAE w/ QSL request
2017 Jan11 2017 Feb06 North Cook Is E51ADD
LotW DXW.Net
By K7ADD fm Manihiki Atoll (IOTA OC-014); 80-10m, perhaps 160m; SSB RTTY; 1.5kw; verticals and wires near salt water; QSL also OK via K7ADD direct, Club Log, eQSL
2017 Jan13 2017 Jan25 Haiti HH8
LotW DXNews
2017 Jan14 2017 Jan21 Br Virgin Is VP2VAW
W4KZK Direct DXW.Net
By W4KDN W4KZK WA5FAC fm Tortola; focus on 160 75m JT65 PSK31, 40m SSB, 30m CW, also 60m (5357 KHz); 3 stations; QSL also OK via LotW and eQSL (2 stations); holiday style operation
2017 Jan14 2017 Jan22 Cayman Is ZF2PG LotW TDDX
By K8PGJ; QRV for NAQP; QSL also OK via K8PGJ
2017 Jan15 2017 Jan19 Bangladesh S21ZBA
By JH1NBN; 75 40m; SSB; limited spare time operation
2017 Jan15 2017 Jan22 Falkland Is VP8 G1OCN Direct TDDX
By G1OCN as VP8CLE plus 2nd op VP8DKW fm Saunders I (IOTA SA-002); 160 80m, possibly higher bands; RTTY, PSK, CW, SSB; kite vertical on low bands, Hexbeam on higher bands; dates tentative
2017 Jan19 2017 Mar09 Guadeloupe TO7D LotW TDDX
By F6ITD fm Baie Mahaut, Desirade Island (IOTA NA-102); 160-6m; SSB CW + digital; 500w; dipoles; also FG/F6ITD; QSL also OK via F6ITD
2017 Jan20 2017 Feb22 Guam KH2 JL3RDC Direct JL3RDC
2017 Jan20 2017 Feb23 Vanuatu YJ See Info JA2NQG
By JH2BNL as YJ0AA, JI2UAY as YJ0FM, JA2NQG as YJ0WW (all requested); 160-10m; CW SSB FM RTTY; 2 500w stns 1 200w stn; Inverted L, dipoles, CrankIR, HB9CV; QSL LoTW for YJ0AA, others via home_calls
2017 Jan20 2017 Jan26 Iceland TF LotW DXNews
By PY2SEX as TF/DL1NX fm IOTA EU-021; 80-10m; QRP; Buddipole; spare time operation
2017 Jan20 2017 Mar03 Guinea Bissau J5UAP LotW HA3AUI
By HA3AUI; 20-10m, other bands on request; CW; 100w; Spiderbeam; QSL also OK via HA3AUI direct
2017 Jan20 2017 Mar03 Senegal 6W2SC LotW HA3AUI
By HA3AUI; 20-10m, other bands on request; CW; 500/100w; Spiderbeam; QSL also OK via HA3AUI direct
2017 Jan22 2017 Feb02 Ivory Coast TU5MH LotW DXW.Net
By DF3FS DJ7JC DJ9RR DL8JJ; 80-10m; CW RTTY SSB; 1kw; verticals, arrays; QSL also OK via DJ5BWD (Buro or direct) and Club Log
2017 Jan23 2017 Jan30 Falkland Is VP8 G1OCN Direct TDDX
By G1OCN as VP8CLE plus 2nd op VP8DKW fm Bleaker I (IOTA SA-002); 160 80m, possibly higher bands; RTTY, PSK, CW, SSB; kite vertical on low bands, Hexbeam on higher bands; dates tentative
2017 Jan24 2017 Jan31 Tonga A35W
By JE1CKA JJ2VLY JQ2GYU A31MM fm Tongatapu I (IOTA OC-049); 160-10m; CW SSB RTTY; may also use A35NN; QRV for CQWW 160m Contest
2017 Jan25 2017 Feb01 Dominican Republic HI1UD LotW N2WB
By HI3MPC HI3TT HI3CC HI3RWP HI8RD HI8K HI8C HI3Y HI3MRV HI8EES fm Beata I (IOTA NA-122, FK47fn); all bands; CW SSB; QSL also OK via Club Log (preferred) or W2CCW direct (w/ $US2 + SAE)
2017 Jan27 2017 Jan29 Azores CU9AB LotW HB9CRV
By CU9AS fm Corvo I (IOTA EU-089); QRV for CQ 160m CW Contest; SOHP; QSL also OK via HB9CRV; 1st 50 QSOs automatically QSLed fm Corvo post office
2017 Jan31 2017 Feb04 Falkland Is VP8 G1OCN Direct TDDX
By G1OCN as VP8CLE plus 2nd op VP8DKW fm Stanley (IOTA SA-002); 160 80m, possibly higher bands; RTTY, PSK, CW, SSB; kite vertical on low bands, Hexbeam on higher bands; dates tentative
2017 Feb01 2017 Feb14 Central African Rep TL8TT LotW IK7JWY
By I1HJT I2YSB IK2CIO IK2CKR IK2DIA IK2HKT JA3USA; 160-6m; CW SSB, RTTY on 1 band; 3 stations; 24hr/day; QSL also OK via OQRS (no card required)
2017 Feb02 2017 Feb08 Guadeloupe FG
By KB1TCD as FG/KB1TCD; 40 17 15m; low power
2017 Feb03 2017 Mar11 Rwanda 9X2AW DF2WO Direct TDDX
By DF2WO fm Kigali; QSL also OK via M0OXO
2017 Feb08 2017 Feb18 South Cook Is E51AMF LotW DXW.Net
By K7ADD fm Rarotonga I (IOTA OC-013); 80-10m, perhaps 160m; SSB + digital; 1.5kw; verticals and wires near salt water; QSL also OK via K7ADD direct, Club Log, eQSL
2017 Feb10 2017 Feb22 Panama HP LotW AA1M
By W1USN as HP/W1USN and AA1M as HP/AA1M; HF; SSB CW + digital; QSL also OK via home_call (Buro or direct)
2017 Feb13 2017 Feb26 Macao XX9D LotW TDDX
By XX9LT DJ9KH DL2AWG DL2HWA DL2RNS DL3HRH DL4SVA DL5CW DM2AUJ DM2AYO DL7VEE; 80-10m; CW SSB RTTY; 3 stations 24/7; focus on NA; QSL also OK via DL4SVA (DARC Buro or direct)
2017 Feb13 2017 Feb27 San Andres & Providencia 5J0NA LW9EOC LW9EOC
By LW9EOC; 160-6m, focus on low and WARC bands; CW SSB RTTY; QRV for ARRL DX CW
2017 Feb13 2017 Mar03 Austral Is FO/a TBA TDDX
By VE7KW VA7DX W5RF fm IOTA OC-114; 160-10m; CW SSB RTTY; hexbeams and spiderpoles
2017 Feb13 2017 Mar07 San Andres & Providencia HK0 AA4NC AA4NC
By AA4NC as HK0/AA4NC; QRV for ARRL DX CW and SSB using a 5K0 call sign
2017 Feb15 2017 Feb21 Fernando de Noronha PY0F PY2QI Direct DXW.Net
By PY2QI as PY2QI/PY0F fm IOTA SA-003; 40-10m; CW
2017 Feb17 2017 Feb21 Palau T88DT
By JH1OLB fm Koror I (IOTA OC-009); 160-6m; SSB CW RTTY PSK31 SSTV JT65A
2017 Feb17 2017 Feb25 Sint Maarten PJ7 LotW TDDX
By OH2IS as PJ7/OH2IS fm Philipsburg; 80-10m; mainly CW, perhaps some SSB RTTY; 1kw; vertical, dipoles
ARRL International DX Contest, CW (Feb 18-19, 2017) Check here for pericontest activity too.
2017 Feb22 2017 Mar07 Barbados 8P9AL LotW DXNews
By KG9N fm IOTA NA-021; HF; wire verticals, dipoles, longwires; QSL also OK via KG9N (for this operation only – reissued call sign)
ARRL International DX Contest, Phone (Mar 4-5, 2017) Check here for pericontest activity too.
2017 Mar07 2017 Mar21 Ghana 9G5X LotW DXW.Net
By G3XAQ G3VMW G4BWP 5B4AGN M0PCB G6MC fm 1,000 feet ASL; 160-10m; CW SSB RTTY; 3 high power stns; QSL also OK Club Log
2017 Mar08 2017 Mar21 Niger 5U5R EA5RM TDDX
By F9IE F8ATS HK6F UT7CR RU1WM IN3ZNR EA1SA EA2RY EA5KM EA7AJR EA7KW EA5RM fm Niamey; 160-10m, also 5.360 MHz; SSB CW RTTY
2017 Mar09 2017 Mar19 Ivory Coast TU
LotW DXW.Net
By 12 op team as TBA fm Grand Bassam; 160-6m; CW SSB RTTY PSK; 5 stations; QSL also OK via F1ULQ (Buro or direct) and Web page OQRS
2017 Mar10 2017 Mar19 South Cook Is E51KTA   TDDX
By M1KTA fm Rarotonga I (IOTA OC-013); will try low bands; QRV for BERU Contest
2017 Mar14 2017 Apr04 Tuvalu T2 LotW DXW.Net
By SP5EAQ as T2AQ and SP7DQR as T2QR fm IOTA OC-015; 80-10m; CW SSB RTTY; dates and call signs tentative; QSL also OK via SP7DQR
2017 Mar14 2017 Apr12 Tanzania 5H3MB LotW TDDX
By IK2GZU fm Ilembula; 80-10m; SSB CW RTTY; spare time operation; QSL also OK via IK2GZU (Buro or direct), Club Log, eQSL
2017 Mar20 2017 Mar24 Cayman Is ZF2CJ LotW TDDX
By JJ2RCJ fm ZF1A club station; 80-6m; mainly RTTY; QSL also OK via JJ2RCJ
CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB (Mar 25-26, 2017) Check here for pericontest activity too.
2017 Mar29 2017 Apr17 Guam AH2P LotW DXW.Net
By EA4AK; QRV on most needed bands and modes; auto-QSL via Buro, QSL also OK via Club Log, eQSL
2017 Apr01 2017 Apr30 Nepal 9N1MD IZ1BVZ DXW.Net
By 9N1AA
2017 Apr28 2017 May13 South Cook Is E51   TDDX
By W6HB as E51AND, KG7MXL as E51JD, KI7DLK as E51BQ fm Rarotonga I (IOTA OC-013); 160-10m; SSB
2017 Apr29 2017 May06 Cayman Is ZF2AB WA3EOP DXNews
By KZ3AB fm IOTA NA-016; HF
2017 May01 2017 May15 St Martin FS K9EL TDDX
By K9EL as FS/K9EL; 160-6m; 500w; verticals, dipoles, yagi on 6m
2017 Jun14 2017 Jun28 Sint Maarten PJ7 Home Call W9AEB
By W9DR as PJ7/W9DR, W9KXQ KK9N K9UK W9AEB likewise; PJ7/W9DR on 6m, w/ beacon 50.115.7; 80-10m (2 stations); CW SSB + digital
2017 Jul04 2017 Jul18 St Pierre & Miquelon FP LotW TDDX
By KV1J as FP/KV1J; 160-6m; SSB RTTY, some CW + digital; QSL also OK via KV1J (Buro or direct) and Club Log
2017 Jul20 2017 Jul24 Russia (Asia) RI0C
Club Log RA1ZZ
By RA7L RA1ZZ RW5D RK8A fm Iony I (IOTA AS-069); 40-10m; CW SSB + digital; most needed Russian island, 2nd most needed Asian island
2017 Aug01 2017 Aug31 Galapagos HC8 LotW TDDX
By G8OFQ as TBA Isabela I (IOTA SA-004, EI49mb); 160-6m; SSB; QSL also OK via G8OFQ direct or Club Log; operation to continue until Oct 31
2017 Sep01 2017 Sep14 Baker & Howland Is KH1 TBA DXW.Net
By YT1AD N6PSE K3LP UA4HOX + team as TBA fm Baker I (IOTA OC-089); planned for Sep-Oct timeframe; more info in May 2016
2017 Sep14 2017 Sep21 Galapagos HD8M
By WB2REM VK2BXE KG0YL N1MWJ G8OFQ fm Isabela I (IOTA SA-004); 160-6m
2018 Jan20 2018 Feb28 Bouvet I 3Y0Z N2OO DXW.Net
By K0IR K4UEE LA6VM + team; exact dates TBD



HF forecasting 


VOACAP Online – professional-grade high-frequency (3-30 MHz) point-to-point propagation predictions



Weekly comment.


Falklands 1982

Re: reference to  Falkland Islands above. I have often sought, but never found,  accurate account of the covert communications between RN ships offshore and on-shore radio amateurs  and also to UK, during Argentinian intrusion. I once had a brief conversation with a VP8 but all I could get out of him was that the “published account” was a whole lot of B^^^^cks” – his words.


Does anyone have information ? I would dearly love to read it.




Weekly Message.


On a train (ha ha ) or underground journey, scan the advertisements, Bovril is Best, or whatever. Then silently in your mind transmit the message. NOT dash dot stuff but “dah ditditdit   dah dah dah    ditditdit dah   etc.   I say silently because you get some very funny looks otherwise. You will soon find you can rattle it off in your head and it will make more sense when you trawl the first 50 kHz of each band.